(I always have trouble spelling that word--"bourgeois" not pig)
It's a quaint little coffee cafe off Fullerton in the heart of Lincoln Park, and right next door to the DePaul campus. This may have been the reason it was a tad crowded in the main room. We did not venture upstairs to the "additional seating" area, although from the pictures online
it appears to be pretty cozy.

The extensive menu includes a variety of salads, soups, hot & cold sandwiches, and a host of coffees concoctions and teas. I ordered a Pumpkin Spice Latte. I have no previous experience with this drink for comparison (no, I have not had the Starbucks version although I hear it is great), but I was a little disappointed by the Bourgeois Pig's offering. I was expecting more pumpkin+spice flavor (?).....and it fell a tad short. Although, it could have been the abundance of whipped cream topping off the coffee.
I will gladly try the place again, though -- any cafe with a menu that large must have something good.
Listening to Iron&Wine Around the Well -- and wondering if I will ever be warm again.