Tuesday, March 31, 2015

March Madness

At least once a week I have a great idea for a blog post that is crafty/informative/thought-provoking/hilarious/insert-positive-descriptor-here. Rarely do those blog posts come to life. There are just too many other things to do! So far, 2015 has really been a year of living in the moment. These moments go by so quickly! And if that means I don't write as many blog posts, I suppose it's ok. Although I do really enjoy looking back at these posts after some time has passed, and that's why I keep trying. Cataloging these little pieces of life will be important to someone someday... even if it's still just me.

March was a month filled with work travel for both me and hubby, a bout of illness (from which we are now recovering) and Cormac's first weeks of preschool! Just a couple mornings a week right now, but it sure does make a difference in our schedule. It feels like he is growing up faster each day, and I miss him even when he's at school for just 3 hours. But it is good for both of us: for him to learn new things and meet other children, and for me to accomplish my task list and finish freelance projects. March also brought us what was hopefully winter's last attempt at ruining my day: a 3" snowfall that lasted less than 24 hours, but was still pretty disappointing. For me, anyway. Cormac loved it. Since he wasn't walking this time last year, and we were still in Chicago at that time, the outdoor world in snow is a whole new experience for him. Discovery in the eyes of a child is such a beautiful thing!

 Don't you just love that hat? ;)

The snow was gone by the next day, so I'm glad we finally made use of the cute boots and snow suit he got for Christmas. Of course, now that he has discovered the outside world, he wants to be out there all the time! I'll be very glad when the weather warms up to stay -- we'll be taking plenty of walks to the park to soak up the sunshine.

The first week of April is Spring Break for many, so I'm hoping it will be quiet here and a chance to catch up on projects... and watch the grass turn green. :)

Monday, March 2, 2015

Hope Springs Eternal

As Easter, springtime and warm weather draw ever closer, I find myself seeking a renewed sense of hope in the day-to-day routines. This is the time of year when the chill gray of winter really begins to drain my spirit and the seemingly never-ending cycle of snow and ice becomes almost unbearable. Even after 10+ years in the Midwest (what?!? hard to believe it's been that long), this is a unique sensation for one who is accustomed to seeing the tender shoots of spring by mid-March, if not late February. Even Georgia has had its share of winter this year, but spring will still visit there first!

Nonetheless, March is here and with it comes the assurance of new life. It is not without reason that Easter falls in the calendar year alongside the seasonal shift that brings new life to the landscape. These thoughts of renewal and anticipation accompany my calendar design for the month of March. It can be easy to lose sight of our eternal Hope when the world around us seems dark and buried in sin. But what an assurance to know that we can trust, without doubt, the unfailing love of our Lord as displayed in the life, death and resurrection of Christ, that we might have new life. Though the seasons may become wearisome from one year to the next, they remind us that "hope springs eternal"*, that life has come from death and, someday, death will be no more.

So, as you go through the next few weeks, let this calendar encourage and inspire you to live in that hope!

March Desktop Calendar


"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love.
But the greatest of these is love."

1 Corinthians 13:13

*Alexandar Pope, An Essay on Man