There's this thing called the "10x10 Challenge" that I saw first on Cladwell, and have followed through the stylings of various bloggers. It's a simple concept: 10 items, 10 days, 10 outfits -- a short and sweet test of the capsule wardrobe concept that encourages you to be creative in styling fewer pieces. Right up my alley! And with approximately 4 weeks of pregnancy to go, and fewer items in my closet that really fit, this is the perfect time to test it out. I used a similar concept toward the end of my previous pregnancy with a limited capsule wardrobe and I enjoyed the simplicity of having fewer items to mess with and discovered some new ways to style them. I also created a theoretical 10x10 last fall with items found on ThredUp (fav for online secondhand shopping!). Plus, the weather here is finally feeling fall-ish so I'm ready to kick off cold weather fashions with booties and scarves galore!
Some challengers include shoes in the count, but I decided to make my 10 items all clothing, and make shoes, accessories, etc., unlimited. I could probably make it work with just two pairs of shoes (my new favorite booties are on repeat these days), but 10 items of clothing feels limited enough!
Here are my selections:
I didn't really start with a particular palette, but did try to identify pieces that would easily mix and match -- black, cream and camel tones are predominant, with olive green and burgundy as accents. I included a pair of black leggings because they're comfortable and I'm working from home the majority of the time, but I'm considering switching those out with some olive green skinny pants... we'll see how the outfits work out. Of the 10 total items, only half (5) are actual maternity apparel. The other pieces are staples in my non-maternity wardrobe that happen to work around a giant belly. ;)
Dressing up these items with accessories (jewelry, shoes, scarves, etc.) is the key to feeling like you're not wearing the same thing every day. If it works well, I may just use these items for the next 30 days... or until baby girl decide to make her appearance! Stay tuned for actual outfit photos...
Links to other 10x10s: