Saturday, September 25, 2010

Apples and Pumpkins and Squash.... oh my!

My trip to the open-air Farmers' Market this morning was quite fruitful (pardon the pun)! I picked up a bunch of fresh apples in heirloom varieties (I can't remember all the names, but I'm looking forward to tasting each one!) Spaghetti and Acorn squash are some of my favorites, and I'm looking forward to cooking with the two I picked up this morning. I'll be sure to post the recipes!

Back from my outdoor shopping trip, I enjoyed a ciabatta roll topped with raw milk cheese spread and fresh Bartlett pears. YUM. I would have taken a photo but it was gone before I could say "cheese". I just love Fall and all the wonderful changes it brings!

What are you favorite memories of the Autumn season?


  1. My favorite Autumn memory is the one when I fell in love ;-) 1976!

    Here's a link to one of my '09 Xanga posts where I started to write about Fall Favorites - note the *p* alliteration.

    I've pulled out most of the seasonal decorations already. A little early for me, but Vivian started saving acorns @ Labor Day, drinking pumpkin lattes, and talking about cool weather menus.

  2. I am feeling very much in the fall mood.... I would have thought it was a little early, too, until this morning's crisp weather! I've never had a pumpkin latte (from Starbucks?), but I'm thinking now is a good time to try one. I'm looking forward to preparing some Butternut Squash Soup sometime soon. Can't wait to see some of your cool-weather recipes!

  3. Fall in Hillsdale is so beautiful. Walks with Vivian to the graveyard, new Kappa babies, tree leaves changing colors but still very green grass, quad soccer and pumpkin pie! :)
